Actress Moon Geun
Young recently celebrated the birthday of her character in SBS‘ ‘Cheongdamdong
Alice‘ with the help of her fans.
Fans showed up to the drama set on the 10th and presented the
actress with a birthday cake in honor of her character, Han Sae Kyung’s
birthday as stated on the fictional profile. A snapshot was unveiled that shows
Moon Geun Young happily smiling at the camera while she holds up the cake,
showing her gratitude for her fans’ warm gift.
Namoo Actors stated, “Moon Geun Young, who received
a thoughtfully unique gift, held up the cake on set and took a snapshot. The
fans who took care of the slightest details and showed their support made the
filming set atmosphere brighter.”
Catch ‘Cheongdamdong Alice’ every weekend!
( cr : AllKpop )
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