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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Song Hye Kyo, Sung Yuri, Ock Joo Hyun, & more belong to the Battery Group?

The members of the Battery Group among the entertainers were quite close to each other.

In the ‘Name Reveal’ segment of tvN enews which aired on August 17th, some of the close friendships in the entertainment industry were looked into.
The Battery Group drew attention among the groups. The members of the Battery Group included Song Hye Kyo, Son Ho Young, Lee Jin, Ock Joo Hyun, Sung Yuri, Jo Yeo Jung, and Park Ye Jin. Song Hye Kyo and Lee Jin have been close friends for a long time since the days when they were 2 of the top 3 ulzzangs of Eunkwang Girls High School. When Lee Jin debuted as a member of Fin.K.L, Ok Joo Hyun and Sung Yuri joined the Battery Group as members.

The reason for the name of the group, Battery Group, is that the group always hangs out like model students. (Gunjun hada = Means healthy but also describes model student type behavior. Gunjunji = Battery. Battery Group is a play on the fact that these two words are similar.) The code of conduct #1 for the Battery Group was to (you guessed it) hang out in a manner that is gunjun. The code of conduct #2 is to go home before 11pm. The group ends the get-together with a meal rather than drinking.

The group’s purpose is also to promote each other’s development. They root for each other for their best in their field. The members of the Battery Group have recently been getting close to SNSD.

( source: kpopfever)